Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board
Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board
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Arizona Genealogy Day - 2025

The Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board & the
Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records
are pleased to present their 5th Annual Arizona Genealogy Day!
This is a free, virtual event for the public from 8:30a.m. thru 3:00p.m.
To register and learn about speakers and topics, visit:


National Archives News
National Archives logo
A message from the
Archivist of the United States Coleen Shogan:
"As we prepare for our nation's 250th anniversary in 2026, we are excited to share our Declaration250 logo! We are honored to serve as the home of the Declaration of Independence and the democratic ideals it represents. We will be announcing a full celebration schedule of events, discussions, and activities. We look forward to your participation in this special, historic, and celebratory journey of resilience and the pursuit of happiness!"

AzGAB Newsletter
The January 2025 edition is now available.
Click on the image below to view it.

Promoting genealogy and history by addressing the education needs and interests of the Arizona genealogical community and the general public through cooperation between member societies and individuals.

Upcoming Events
February 22 - 10:00 am
Genealogical Society of Yuma, AZ
Regular monthly meeting; visitors are welcome to attend.   Topic:  History of Yuma Speaker:   Tammy Snook   For more info, visit their Website.

March 8 - 10:00 am
Black Family Genealogy & History Society
  DNA Tuning Topic: The Importance of History to Genealogical Research   Visit their website ror more details.    

March 8 - 1:30 pm
AzGAB Bi-Monthly Membership & Board of Directors Mtg.
For further information, contact President Betsy Gottsponer –    

March 20 - 1:00 pm
Monthly Meeting
  TOPIC: A Closer Look at the 1850-1950 Censuses SPEAKER:  Nancy Hendricks     Register in advance to attend this meeting at After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing additional information about the meeting.  

March 27 - 6:30 pm
Monthly Meeting
  TOPIC:  Cause of Death: Dissecting Coroner's Records for Genealogical Research SPEAKER:  Lisa Alzo     Visit our Event Calendar for details and to register.